

There are three main ways to hack with libobscura.

Either way, you'll need to compile it, and for that, Rust is used. On Fedora:

sudo dnf -y install rust

Librem 5

Ancient version ships with PureOS. It can be replaced with a new one from rustup:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

Test application

When modifying libobscura, it's best to start with a working test application.

For USB cameras, the end-to-end test is the "demo.rs".

Check out the code and build it:

git clone https://codeberg.org/libobscura/libobscura.git
cargo run --example demo

Debug the library

Libobscura uses the [tracing] crate to present debug messages to the user.

Use your favorite debugging library to enable debug output. For [tracing-subscriber], add this line at the start of your program:


Builtin tools and examples generally do that. You can then enable tracing at runtime, for example:

RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --bin obscura_list

Contribute to internals

The internals are documented throughout the code base, so refer to every file in the sources. Please report a bug if anything that's missing holds your understanding.

There's an old design document in libvidi describing the general goals of the architecture. It's a little outdated and stream-of-thought-like, but maybe it helps you understand the motivations.